“What?? I’m out.” That is the reaction, right? Our brains are wired for the path of least resistance. We want to avoid pain and discomfort at all costs.
But what if the discomfort is necessary? Important even?
This can be applied to most any area of your life but let’s look at it through the lens of a health goal.
You have the goal you want to accomplish. Weight loss. Overcoming the stress and overwhelm you feel everyday. Building strength, either physical or mental. Feeling good in your body and in your life.
You might even have a decent idea of how to accomplish that goal. Eat better. Get more sleep. Start lifting weights. Learn to meditate.
You start to follow the plan you have made for yourself and then suddenly, your brain is NOT on board. “This is hard.” “I will start tomorrow.” “I deserve that cookie.” “I don’t have what it takes to do this.” “This is so much easier for everyone else.”
I am here to tell you that this is totally NORMAL. So much of our behavior comes from our brain wanting to make us comfortable in this moment. Feeling sad? Where’s the sugar? Feeling tired? More caffeine. Feeling uncertain or unsure? What can I distract myself with right now? (That list is endless friends.)
But choosing short term gratification is also choosing to make the long term hard.
Yes, skipping that workout might feel good now. The workout will be hard. I have too much to do. But not working out will ensure that you do not build strength. The long term consequence of not having the strength to do the activities of daily living is hard. Not being able to live life with your friends and family the way you want is really hard.
Feeling disappointed that you didn’t follow through on a commitment you made to yourself is hard.
Chronic health diseases like diabetes, metabolic disorder, cardiovascular disease, and dementia are DECADES in the making. These are often the result of years of taking the path of least resistance with our food and our lifestyle choices. Living with these diseases is truly hard. Both on you and your loved ones.
The more we build the muscle of discomfort, the better able we are to deal with whatever life throws our way.
You might even find that discomfort is what leads to growth. This growth and learning is everything. This growth enables you to live in alignment with your values. Allows you to show up how you want to show up in the world.
Any worthy goal or path is going to be uncomfortable. You will feel challenged and pushed. You will fall down along the way. You will want to quit. And that is NORMAL.
KEEP GOING. Choose the short term hard to pave the way for long term success.
If you are really against things being hard, then CHOOSE to do something when the problem is small. Choose the short term discomfort before your hair's on fire and you have to do something drastic.
I am not offering a magic pill or a quick fix. And honestly I wouldn’t offer it if I had it. There is WORK involved in change. There is discomfort. It will be hard at times.
There is also GROWTH. There is an inner knowing that develops. CONFIDENCE. You can handle whatever life throws your way. You are stronger and more capable than you ever imagined.
I choose my hard every day. We all do. I am getting better and better at choosing the short term hard on the path to accomplishing my big, juicy long term goals.
If you or someone you know is ready to do the work to accomplish your health and wellness goals, reach out now. I can help!
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