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Hi! My name is Angie and I am a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Natural Foods Chef. I am a mom to two amazing teens.

Holistic nutrition, wellness, and mindset are my passions. I love reading about and learning more about these topics. This is the stuff I devour in my free time! I love all things food and truly enjoy cooking for myself and my loved ones.


So many of us are struggling to be healthy. We are navigating a broken food system. There is SO much information to sort through. News articles, social media, celebrities, celebrity doctors, our sister’s friend’s cousin. Everyone has something to say about what we should and shouldn’t eat. Is dairy good or bad? Full fat or fat free? Eat nothing but meat or go vegan? And what about carbohydrates? I’m pretty sure they are the devil, but my doctor said I need to eat whole grains. And then went on to say that Cheerios are a whole grain. (Spoiler: Cheerios are NOT a whole grain.)

We are SO disconnected from our food. Where it comes from. How to prepare it. How to freakin’ enjoy it. Yes, I said enjoy. Food can actually be a source of enjoyment rather than just calories, macros, guilt and shame. I know.

We are suffering because it is all too much. Too much information. Too much pressure. Too many obligations. Too much perfectionism. We are supposed to sort through mountains of  conflicting information and come up with the optimal way to nourish ourselves and our loved ones. All while modeling a life of balance and ease. And we are often attempting to do this alone, without support. Even worse, we are judging and shaming each other in the process. We are attempting to do this without proper boundaries. We are adding more and more to our schedules, to our kids’ schedules, without a firm grasp of how many hours are actually in a day. We are moving at a pace that isn’t sustainable. For some of us, we just keep grinding on, pushing harder, becoming more disconnected from ourselves. For others, we give up on ourselves. We are going through the motions with a sense of hopelessness and deep exhaustion. Feelings of overwhelm and depression are common. As a consequence, we don't feel good in our bodies or in our lives. A health concern or illness shows up.

We have forgotten how to feed ourselves. We have forgotten how to listen to ourselves. We have forgotten how to nourish ourselves. We have given our power away.

I help people remember how to do these things. I help people reclaim their power and become the authority in their lives again. It is okay to strive. It is okay to want to be healthier. It is even okay to want to lose weight.

Are you ready to try something new? I work one-on-one with individuals who are curious about themselves, what they do, and why. They love learning about their behavior and are ready to make a change. They are ready to simplify and truly enjoy themselves. Everything from the food they eat to the experience of being human. They are ready to show up in a way that is truly healthy.

I don’t just help you accomplish a health or wellness goal but I help you become the kind of person who CAN accomplish goals. That is transformational.


Let’s Work Together

Phone: 720.205.8481

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