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Good Food Bad Food


As a nutrition coach I often have clients and friends asking me to tell them exactly what to eat. “What foods are good and what foods are bad?”

Behaviors, and by extension our identities, are also framed in this way. “I was good because I ate vegetables.” “I was bad because I didn’t workout.”  “I am a failure because I can’t lose weight.”

I find this framework to be limiting and not at all helpful.

This framework leaves no room for nuance and life is full of nuance. This framework leaves no room for flexibility and we need to be flexible in order to be healthy. Literally and figuratively.

I find the more dogmatic I become in any area, the stiffer and more rigid my mind and my body become. My thoughts are heavier. I am closed off to new ideas. I have found this to be a hard way to live.

We eat food to fuel our lives. Food provides the substrates we need to keep every cell in our body vital and healthy.

Food can also provide pleasure and connection to others. I treasure getting to share a good meal with the people I love most.

Demonizing specific foods or food groups not only takes the pleasure out of eating, but worse it can negatively impact our overall health.

We can agree that ultra processed, refined, sugar laden foods and drinks consumed frequently are not supporting our overall health.

Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats all play different and important roles in our body. They also all provide energy.

Fiber, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, polyphenols, and SO many other compounds are ALL necessary to support every single biochemical pathway.  

Learning what foods contain these substrates and in what amounts is valuable.

Learning what YOUR specific, unique, bio-individual body needs is even more valuable. Knowing that this will change as you go through life and being able to adjust accordingly is the PINNACLE.

Discovering how to truly nourish yourself and your loved ones now and forever is PRICELESS.

But what if instead of being dogmatic and judgemental we became….CURIOUS?

“Hmm, how DOES this incredible body work?”

“What does MY body need right now?”

“How do I ACTUALLY feel when I eat or do ________________?”

“What hasn’t worked in the past and why?”

“Am I eating because I am hungry?” “For food?”

“What am I believing about myself in this moment?”  *This question is especially juicy! :)

Get curious and see what shifts! Ask the hard questions and be open to the answers. And then take inspired action.

As always, I would love to help!

If you or someone you know is ready to get the support you deserve to massively improve your health and wellness, reach out! You don’t have to do this  alone.



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