Or do you minimize and ignore? “It wasn’t a big deal.” “It wasn’t enough.” “It wasn’t perfect. “ I should be farther along.” “I probably won’t be able to keep it up.”
Harrumph, right?
What if instead you celebrated your wins?
I’m not saying that you need to throw yourself a party every time you drink 64 ounces of water, but what if you acknowledged yourself when you met a goal? “Hey, I did it. Well done me.” :)
As a parent I have made a practice of acknowledging my kids when they try something. I am not just throwing around praise but being honest with what I observe. I focus on their effort. They get a good grade. “Wow, I noticed you studied really hard.” “You spent a lot of time preparing.” “You seem really interested in that topic.”
My daughter’s volleyball team lost their final game of the volleyball season this week. After the tears, we talked about how hard she played and what she learned.
I do this for my kids in hopes that they learn how to do this for themselves.
I won’t always be there to cheer them on after a presentation at work or after a hard conversation where they stand up for themselves and hold a boundary.
We must ALSO do this for ourselves. Acknowledge and celebrate our wins. Every single day.
It might feel small and inconsequential but this is how you create change.
Positive reinforcement. Coming from a place of honesty. A thought you can believe.
Now. Before you have reached your goal.
“I am getting stronger every time I go to the gym.”
“I am learning how to choose healthy, delicious foods. One meal at a time.”
“I handled that difficult situation better after meditating last week.”
AND... I would encourage you to actually CELEBRATE here and there!
-Buy yourself a pretty bouquet of flowers.
-Call a friend and tell them what you accomplished. I love when my friends share their wins with me!
-Throw an impromptu dance party for yourself in the kitchen.
-Take a warm bath.
-Put fresh sheets on your bed. (You might have to be over the age of 40 or my daughter to enjoy this one!)
-Turn off the lights, light some candles, get comfy, and lie in Shavasana until you feel ready to rejoin the world.
How do you celebrate your wins? I would love to hear!
This is the BEST part of my job! I love hearing what is going well and helping clients celebrate. But I ALSO love hearing what ISN’T going well and coming up with a plan of action to move clients closer to their desired outcomes.
If you or someone you know is looking for support to accomplish their health and wellness goals, reach out now. I can help!
If you find these posts helpful, please share them with someone you care about.